Properly Launching Your Store

Have you ever thought of starting your own e-commerce-online store?

If you have then definitely read this article before you actually begin!


Because without a proper launch your shop will not make many sales , if any.

There are basic needs that need to be met before actually opening your store for buyers to purchase!

I don’t know about you, but the first thing that always goes through my mind when creating an online shop is:

“Ok, So I’ll use Shopify as a platform, I’ll add products, then bingo! I have a store! People will buy!”

WRONG. lol. Boy oh boy do I wish it worked this way! But my primal brain needs reprogramming for sure in regards to the concept of creating a store and making sells right afterwards.

Because without a proper setup – a COMPLETE setup. No one will go as far as the shop just sitting online.

So how does one make sales from a Shopify store? Or any store for that matter?

Follow the link here: It is the Official Shopify link for setting up your online store.

And when you follow step-by-step as instructed. You cannot go wrong.

Please do yourself a favor and realize that unless you are paying a professional to create and run your shop, you will not make sales trying to cut corners!

And I’m saying this to myself as well as to anyone who thinks that there are shortcuts. There are not.

So listen to the professionals at Shopify.

Click this link and do everything in the order and in the way that they say to do it. That is all.

Go here for everything that you need to know. 😉

Luv Ena

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